Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Jimmys Playlist

It wasn't until I was recently reminded that I remembered a function that I had intended for this blog to provide, an opportunity for me to make "playlists" for people. Beyond being a cool idea, I really like making playlists and mix CD's, and I figured this would be an interesting and more universal platform for me to create mixes on. Though I currently lack the technology (maybe I just haven't explored blogspot enough) to post the actual songs on the blog, that may change if someone who knows what the hell they're doing with a computer instructs me.
The idea first came to me to use the blog for this when I played the Thrice E.P.'s for my good friend Brad Luke; he was curious, and wanted to know what other magicians I could pull out of magic book. It is with this purpose refreshed in my mind that I would like to present the first playlist for my other good friend Jimmy Lewis.
Jimmy and I first met at camp last year and saw eye to eye on a number of issues (far to many to name here). Beyond him setting my lunch into place for me everyday this last year of camp, and being just generally excellent company, Jimmy called back in musical response as I snapped my fingers and bounced around the dining hall one day singing "Style" by Frank Sinatra. After I removed myself from the paralysis of excitement, I knew that Jimmy was beyond a friend, but a sort of musical soul mate. It is with that intrinsic bond that I present the Jimmy Lewis playlist:

Genre request: "Killer riffs and double peddle." (Metal)

1. Darkest Hour - With A Thousand Words To Say But One
-A great way to start of any mix.

2. Children of Bodom - Living Dead Beat
-The first track off one of the bands newer albums, this song does everything a children of Bodom song does. It makes you bang your head, shreds, and makes you want to be from Finland.

3. Between the Buried and Me - Selkies: The Endless Obsession
-Arguably the bands best song. This song in typical BTBAM fashion goes all over the place. The musical ability of this band is completely ridiculous. Do not listen to this song for the first time while driving a car or operating heavy machinery, you don't want your last moments to be spent starring at your stereo before you crash into a wall.

4. August Burns Red - Barbarian
-August Burns Red are pretty much a total crush fest. Breakdowns fly from left and right amidst blast beats, and neck spanning guitar work. A wonderful blend of harmony and destruction.

5. Four Year Strong - Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Hell
- Though Four Year Strong are decidedly less "br00tal" than the three previous bands, what they lack in aggression, they make up for in their insanely tactful and fun mix of hardcore and pop. Breakdowns, riffs, gang vocals, wrapped in sweet, delicious vocal harmony. Fucking delicious.

6. Winter Solstice - To The Nines
-Straight up, unapologetic metalcore. Riffs as much as you want and double basses even more than that. Some of my favorite kick drums on any album, full of punch but with a nice layer of smacking treble on top. Plus you get a totally sweet vocal guest spot from Tim Lambesis of As I Lay Dying.

7. Maylene & The Sons of Disaster - Memories of the Grove
-Maylene always makes me want to be on a road that is dusty and bumpy in a totally jacked Chevy Silverado with the top cut clean off and drinking Jack Daniels straight from the bottle. If this doesn't get you going, you might be beyond my help. Southern slang, hardcore heritage, all awesome.

8. Unearth - Zombie Autopilot
-One of the more Swedish influenced tracks from the powerhouse that is Unearth. Interesting and eclectic song craft really help this band stand out amidst their metalcore peers, though to lump them in the metalcore heap is to miss a lot of what is Unearth. They groove like a hardcore band, and make fretboard magic like Swedes.

9. Throwdown - Holy Roller
- The first track of the bands latest album, "Holy Roller" finds Throwdown picking up almost right where Pantera left off. Blending their hardcore roots with the southern swag of Pantera, this is a showcase of how a band can cross from one metal genre to another with great success. Gnarly riffs and a badass rhythm section make this one a surefire in the section of "killer riffs, and double peddle".

10. Hatebreed - Doomsayer
-The most hardcore (as far as genre is concerned) of the songs on the list so far. Hatebreed is Hatebreed, and they invite anyone who doesn't like it to get the fuck out. Crunchy ass guitars, pummeling bass, and a shit ton of attitude, Hatebreed pulls no punches.

11.Lamb 0f God - Laid To Rest
- I don't want to cheapen the experience by trying to describe it in words. It's a cop out I know, but if you haven't heard this song before, or even heard Lamb of God before, than you should be the one in trouble, not me.

So there you have it. The first mixtape! I would encourage anyone who disagrees or thinks that anything should be added, to say so in a reply. Jimmy, let me know what you think. More hardcore? More metal? More screaming? Faster? The majority of these I don't think are on Kyles ipod, but in the true spirit of the mixtape, hopefully you'll find something new that you enjoy.

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