Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Gay Blades

If you haven't heard of The Gay Blades before then the title of this post might be rather confusing.  However this might be your lucky day, because these dudes could just blow your damn mind.  
Recently signed to Triple Crown (and deservedly so) these gents are poised to put their finger inside everything you know and love about music.  
I could launch a number of adjectives at you or talk about how they sound like a mix of this band and that band on a meth binge, or the love child of a robot and a Gila monster; but those reviews are already all over the Internet.  What you need to know is that The Gay Blades are funnier than your best friends, more mysterious than spontaneous erections, and have an album called "Ghosts" which demands attention for it's wholesomely eclectic mix of brazen and meaningful songs.

Proof: The Gay Blades: Me-Ow!

More Proof

There is also a facebook group called TGB4N, started by some terribly good looking fellow.


I coulden't have planned to do an article on TGB on a better day.  This video of Clark Westfeild just showed up on AP

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