Saturday, October 25, 2008

Razia's Shadow Stream

Everyone over at AP has been shitting themselves over the past couple of weeks about the new Forgive Durden album Razia's Shadow: A Musical.
Song clips were available on the albums website (which was until a couple of weeks ago shrouded in mystery) but now the album is up for full stream on the Forgive Durden website.
I'm listening to the album right now and am pretty impressed. The album has a special guest vocalist for nearly every track who play different characters in the "musical". This is a concept album through and through.
Though I have no prior history with Forgive Durden, something tells me that their first album didn't sound like this (further investigation will be required).
All I can do is suggest that you listen to the album. I'm not really sure what to compare it to right now (gasp). I guess think of your favorite musical re-written by a lounge act with a backing symphony... Confused? Me too. Just give it a listen, you should be able to tell pretty quickly whether or not you will enjoy it.

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