Thursday, November 6, 2008


How the hell did a new Misery Signals album get released without me knowing it?!  I'm a big fan of Mirrors, and have been wondering for a while when I would get a new album out of them.  
If you haven't listened to Misery Signals, I strongly suggest that you do.  They manage to take something that could be construed (unfairly and incorrectly) as brainless metalcore, and add an ethereal Deftones like quality to it.  There's something spacey about their sound that provides them a noticeable amount of distinction from the pack of other bands that they might be lumped in with.  Their list of influences on their myspace is: Meshuggah, Cave In, Deftones, Shai Hulud, Propaghandi, and Metallica.  Anything that that list can't tell you, I can't tell you either.  Give em a shot.  

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