Decible Magazines Best of 2008:
40. Coffins - Buried Death
39. Withered - Folie Circulaire
38. Graveyard - Graveyard
37. North - What You Were
36. Decrepit Birth - Diminishing Between Worlds
35. Witch - Paralyzed
34. Aura Noir - Hades Rise
33. Cynic - Traced In Air
32. Meshuggah -obZen (Edit: I recommend)
31. V/A - This Comp Kills Facists Vol. 1
30. Samothrace - Life's Trade
29. Blacklisted - Heavier Than Heaven, Lonlier Than God
28. Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery
27. Testament - The Formation of Damnation
26. 5ive - Hesperus
25. Hennes Siste Host - Host
24. Gridlink - Amber Gray
23. Trap Them - Seizures in Barren Praise
22. Hour 0f 13 - Hour of 13
21. Hail of Bullets - Of Frost and War
20. Intronaut - Prehistoricisms
19. Gods and Queens - Gods and Queens
18. Toxic Holocaust - An Overdose of Death
17. Esoteric - The Maniacal Vale
16. Enslaved - Vertebrae
15. Gojira - The Way of All Flesh (Edit: I recommend)
14. Pyramids - Pyramids
13. Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God (Edit: I recommend)
12. Krallice - Krallice
11. Harvey Milk - Life...The Best Game In Town
10. Disfear - Live the Storm
9. Made Out of Babies - The Ruiner
8. Wetnurse - Invisible City
7. Origin - Antithesis
6. Rotten Sound - Cycles
5. The Gates of Slumber - Conqueror
4. Opeth - Watershed
3. Genghis Tron - Board Up the House
2. Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Part 1
1. Torche - Meanderthal
There ya go...What do you think?
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